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Missouri Eases Motorcycle Helmet Requirements

Gov.Mike Parsonsigned a bill into law that will ease helmet requirements for some motorcyclists.HB 1963, sponsored by Rep.Travis Fitzwater, allows riders over 26 years of age with proof of health insurance to opt-out of using helmets once the law goes into effect on Aug. 28.

Safety groups, including representatives for the National Safety Council and theNational Association of the State Motorcycle Safety Administrators’ Policy and Research committee, opposed the bill.

“The repeal of the all-rider helmet law will have ripple effects across the state of Missouri,” representatives for Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety said in a statement. “More riders will choose to leave their helmets at home, resulting in more unhelmeted motorcyclist fatalities and injuries. These preventable tragedies will in turn upend the lives of their families and increase health care costs for all Missourians. We hope this imprudent policy change will be reversed in the future and the state’s universal helmet requirement will be restored.” The previous helmet requirements had been a part of Missouri law for 52 years.

The bill saw extensive debate before passing through both chambers on the final day of the legislative session.

If you or a loved one have been involved in a motorcycle accident that was caused by somebody else’s negligence, then you need a motorcycle accident injury lawyer. Northland Injury Law has motorcycle accident lawyers ready to help. We have represented many motorcyclists in accident claims and want to help you if you have been injured. You can give us a call at (816) 400-4878.

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