Kansas City Car Accident Lawyer

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Kansas City Car Accident Attorney

A Kansas City car accident injury lawyer can assist the loved ones of an accident injury victim in seeking compensation.

Northland Injury Law has represented many families who have lost a loved one due to the negligence of someone else.

At NORTHLAND INJURY LAW, we are committed to helping those who are victims of car accident injury. We have recovered millions of dollars for our injured clients. Located in the Northland of Kansas City, we have a combined 50 years of experience and provide legal services throughout Missouri. If our car accident injury Lawyer can help you, call us now for a FREE CONSULTATION at 816-400-4878 or send an email to: [email protected].


Common Causes of Car Accidents in Kansas City, MO

The majority of car accidents reported throughout the Kansas City area each year happen because of driver negligence. The term “negligence” can define any situation in which one party fails to uphold a duty of care to another party or when they fail to act with reasonable care in a given situation. For example, a driver has a duty of care to others on the road to operate their vehicle attentively, and distracted driving would be a breach of this duty of care.

Driver negligence takes many forms, including distracted driving, moving violations, and speeding. The state enforces the fault rule for all vehicle accidents, meaning the driver at fault for causing an accident faces responsibility for the resulting damages. An injured party will need to prove fault before they will be able to recover any compensation for the damages they suffered in the accident.

It is also possible for a car accident to happen because of a driver’s illegal misconduct behind the wheel. Intoxicated driving is the most commonly seen example of this in Kansas City, and a driver at fault for a drunk driving accident faces criminal charges along with civil liability for the damages they inflict on others. Additionally, causing an accident resulting in great bodily harm or death will significantly increase the severity of their penalties in criminal court.

Proving Liability for Your Car Accident in Kansas City

Your first legal challenge in the aftermath of a car accident is proving liability, and the right Kansas City car accident lawyer is an invaluable asset for this endeavor. You will need to accurately identify the party or parties responsible for causing the accident, prove the manner in which they caused the accident, and then prove the extent of the damages you suffered as a result of their negligence or illegal misconduct.

Many forms of evidence can come into play in a car accident case. Consult your attorney if you are unsure how to prove fault for the accident, if you suspect that more than one party is at fault for the accident, or if you are worried that you partially caused the accident. Whatever your case entails, an experienced Kansas City car accident lawyer can provide the guidance you need to navigate the early stages of your case successfully.

Filing an Auto Insurance Claim in Kansas City

Your first option for recovering compensation for a recent car accident will be filing an auto insurance claim. It is possible that the other driver’s insurance company will reach out to you shortly after the accident; otherwise, you will need to contact the insurer and notify them of your intent to file a claim. Remember that it is unwise to discuss any element of your claim with the insurance company before you have an attorney representing you.

Your Kansas City car accident lawyer can help file your auto insurance claim, completing all necessary forms and providing the insurer with all the supplementary information they need to complete their review of the claim. Remember that an insurance carrier will almost always attempt to push back against a claim in their efforts to minimize how much they must pay out to claimants. Your attorney can address any such issues you encounter.

Once the insurance company completes its review of your claim, it will issue you a settlement offer. This offer will explain the extent of compensation it will provide, and you should receive a settlement check within a few weeks. Having an experienced Kansas City car accident lawyer assisting you with your claim will significantly improve your experience filing the claim, and your attorney can ensure you are treated fairly by the insurance company.

Building Your Personal Injury Suit for a Car Accident

When your damages exceed what insurance can cover, a personal injury suit can enable you to recover compensation for your outstanding losses. Success with a personal injury claim in Kansas City will require clear proof of fault for your damages, and you must also establish causation between your damages and the defendant’s actions, meaning your damages solely resulted from their negligence or misconduct and not from any other cause.

In a personal injury claim, the victim has the right to seek compensation for any economic losses they sustained because of the defendant’s actions.

Economic damages you can recover with a personal injury suit include:

  • Vehicle repair costs. You can file a property damage claim against the driver who caused your accident. If their auto insurance policy has appropriate property damage liability coverage, your claim may yield compensation for your vehicle repair or replacement costs. Otherwise, you will need to seek compensation for these economic damages through a civil suit.
  • Medical expenses. Many car accidents in Kansas City result in serious injuries, some of which will require extensive medical treatment. The defendant who injured you is liable for the extent of medical expenses you incur because of their actions. Your attorney can help ensure both immediate and future medical treatment costs are appropriately addressed in your claim.
  • Lost wages. When the victim of a car accident cannot work due to their injuries, they have the right to claim compensation for the wages they are unable to earn during this time. This also applies to the future income they are no longer able to earn if their accident has left them permanently disabled and diminished their capacity to work and earn income.

An experienced Kansas City car accident lawyer can not only assist you in claiming as much compensation as possible for your economic losses but also the non-economic damages the defendant caused. You have the right to seek pain and suffering compensation that reflects the physical pain and psychological distress you experienced from your accident.

The average person is likely to struggle to determine a suitable amount of pain and suffering compensation to include with their claim. Your attorney can help determine an appropriate amount based on the overall severity of your injuries and whether you sustained any long-term or permanent damage. If your accident resulted in any permanently disabling injuries, you likely have grounds to seek substantial pain and suffering compensation.

What to Do After a Car Accident in Kansas City

The first steps you take immediately following a car accident can dramatically affect your recovery efforts. Northland Injury Law aims to help all our clients maximize their recoveries, and we want to help car accident victims start their claims on strong foundations.
Here is the list of Steps you must take if you are involved in a car accident in Missouri:

Call The Police:

It is crucial for you to obtain certain information at the time of your accident. Call the police and file an accident report. This will help determine who was at fault in the accident and document the facts for court.

Exchange Insurance Information:

You should always exchange insurance information with the other party and take photos of the vehicles and the scene when possible. Witnesses can be crucial to your case, so get the names and phone numbers of anyone who saw the accident. This should be adhered to in all types of accidents, from minor fender benders to dangerous truck accident cases.

Seek Medical Attention:

When you are involved in a motor vehicle accident with another car or semi-truck that is the fault of someone else’s negligence, seek medical attention for any injuries sustained. Injuries can be serious, including concussion (traumatic brain injury), neck and back injuries (spinal injuries), broken bones, and torn tendons and ligaments. It’s important to find out what’s wrong and get the appropriate medical care.

Call A Car Accident Lawyer:

Next, you need to contact a car accident lawyer well qualified to represent you and get results. We have successfully handled thousands of these types of cases, and helped plaintiffs get compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other costs.

When you are involved or injured in a motor vehicle accident, contact your car accident lawyer before speaking with insurance company representatives. Often, the insurance company is looking for any way to avoid responsibility on the part of their driver or to make a cheap, quick settlement. Your car accident lawyer can advise you on what action to take and other information you need to know to ensure you are justly compensated for your injuries.

Why is contacting a Kansas City personal injury attorney so vital to the outcome of your case? Your lawyer will immediately conduct an investigation, locate witnesses, and preserve evidence that is crucial to your case. They will also help you deal with insurance companies and protect your legal rights.

Many people believe that their insurance companies will thoroughly cover any costs incurred by a motor vehicle accident, but the opposite is true. Insurance companies want to limit the amount of compensation you get so that they don’t have to pay out a lot of money. We will fight aggressively to ensure you get justice and all the money you are entitled to.

This is a picture for a blog post that talks about how a car accident lawyer from Northland Injury Law can help you. You, as the injured party in a motor vehicle accident, have the burden of proving negligence on the part of the party responsible. A reputable and well qualified car accident lawyer will have the expertise it takes to examine every shred of evidence, pinpoint the legal basis for the claim, and prove that you, as the plaintiff, are entitled to every penny of compensation you are seeking.

When it comes to Missouri automotive accidents, you should not choose legal representation from an attorney who lacks in experience and the skills needed to win your case. Choose Kansas City lawyers who have a proven track record and years of experience representing auto accident victims. The trial lawyers at Northland Injury Law will fight aggressively for your rights and apply our knowledge in and out of the courtroom to make sure you get every bit of the compensation you deserve.

Listen to our podcast to learn more about our process!


Q: How Do I Prove Fault for a Car Accident in Kansas City?

A: You can prove fault for a car accident in Kansas City by leveraging various forms of physical and digital evidence. Photos taken of the accident as soon as it happens, tire marks on the road, cell phone records, and recordings from traffic cameras could all be invaluable to your case. An experienced Kansas City car accident lawyer can help gather evidence and guide you through the process of constructing your claim.

Q: What Happens if I Was Partially at Fault for My Accident?

A: If you were partially at fault for your accident, your recovery will diminish in proportion to the level of fault you bear. Under the state’s pure comparative fault rule, the plaintiff’s fault percentage is taken as a penalty from their case award. So, for example, if you bear 25% fault in a $100,000 claim, it will mean losing $25,000. Your Kansas City car accident lawyer can explain how comparative fault could factor into your case.

Q: How Do I File an Auto Insurance Claim After an Accident?

A: You can file an auto insurance claim after an accident by completing the necessary forms, gathering supporting evidence, and submitting the claim to the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Every driver in Kansas City is required to have personal auto insurance, and this insurance can pay for property damage and bodily injury the policyholder causes to another driver. An experienced attorney can help file your claim successfully.

Q: What Is the Total Value of My Car Accident Claim?

A: The total value of your car accident claim depends on multiple variables, especially the severity of your damages. You have the right to seek compensation for vehicle repair or replacement costs, repayment of all your medical expenses, and compensation for income you are unable to earn due to the defendant’s actions. Additionally, you can seek compensation for your pain and suffering.

Q: When Should I Hire a Kansas City Car Accident Lawyer?

You should hire a Kansas City car accident lawyer as quickly as possible after your accident. You should refrain from discussing a settlement with an insurance company until an attorney has time to review the details of your case. The more time your attorney has to work on your claim, the more likely you will be to maximize your total compensation. Ideally, you should consult an attorney immediately after receiving medical care for your injuries.

These are just a few of the most common questions we hear from our clients in Kansas City, but we have the experience to field all your questions and concerns about your impending car accident case.

We can answer questions such as:

It’s understandable for anyone to feel lost and confused about their legal options following an accident someone else caused. If you find yourself in this situation, the team at Northland Injury Law can assist you in your recovery.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer at Northland Injury Law today or give us a call at 816-400-4878 for a FREE Consultation.

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